Arcade Kong was a game released in 80's. Actually is discontinued.
You can play and remember this epoch of old games called arcade.
This story takes place in a construction where a player must avoid obstacles and shoot down the gorilla.
(A). To play press the button 'Game A' or 'Game B'.
(B). Instructions to play:
a. Operate 'Jump' (●) , 'Up' (▲), 'Down' (▼) , 'Right' (►) and 'Left' (◄) buttons.
1. Pressing the 'Jump'(●) or 'Up' (▲) button puts the player in his starting position or wait for about 8 seconds.
2. Player can jump only when the overhead is clear.
3. Jump player over the barrels, avoiding moving iron overhead.
4. Pressing 'left' (◄) button near to the switch (ON/OFF) turns on crane switch (crane on right starts swinging).
5. When crane swings left, pressing 'Jump' (●) button makes player grab crane hook. He goes up and releases one wire from the beam under gorilla.
6. When there are no barrels in the way, press 'Right' (►) or 'Left' (◄) button to move.
7. When player reaches a ladder and if there are no barrels, press 'Up' (▲) button and player climbs ladder.
8. It’s possible to press 'Down' (▼) button to move or avoid obstacles.
9. If player grabs hook, crane lifts him and one girder wire is cut automatically. Player returns to starting position.
10. After crane swings twice, it switches off automatically. Player has to return left to throw in switch again, dodging barrels thrown down by gorilla.
11. Player cannot jump where overhead clearance is low, when iron is moving overhead or when on a ladder.
12. When game starts, or after a miss, if 'Jump' (●) button is not pressed, player appears at starting point automatically after about 8 seconds.
b. Miss
1. When player is hit by a rolling barrel.
2. When player hits his head on iron moving overhead.
3. When player is hit by barrel thrown from above by gorilla.
4. When player jumps for crane hook and misses.
(C). Press 'Score' button to see the best score.
(D). Press 'About' button to know about this app and get the developer's contact.